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Swing Trading Your Way To Success
Ask anyone what the best smart phone brand and model is and you’ll be met with differing responses. This is because it depends on several ...
Happy New Year! In the last 2 months of 2020, you’ve been introduced to swing trading. You’ve learnt about the following: What swing trading is ...
“You mean there are free and powerful tools that I can use for swing trading?” Absolutely! Trendlines is one such tool that I use to ...
My family believes in independence. They believe that independence is the backbone to success in one’s life. So, I had to earn my own keep ...
Swing trading relies on technical analysis. This means that you will be analyzing charts. While you could use the charts that your broker provides, there’re ...
“In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” said Albert Einstein. 2020 has been a weird year. We’ve experienced the fastest bear market, with ...
Cryptocurrencies 101
“Boss, I’ve just transferred $200. Please check. Thanks!” 3 minutes later, I received a call. It was the boss whom I had just sent money ...
It’s been a fabulous week for most cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin has hit $60,000 again, while Ether (cryptocurrency of Ethereum) has found a new all-time high of ...
“Bro, do you have $20 for this meal? I don’t have enough in my wallet. I’ll do a bank transfer right now.” Have you bought ...
2009. That’s the year the world’s first cryptocurrency came to existence. Since then, the world has experienced lots of changes. Trust in many financial institutions ...
Headlines shout a crash in the cryptocurrency market. And there’re many words you don’t exactly understand. What’s “DApps”, “falling knife”, or even a “governance token”? ...
The ICO craze may be over, but these terms presented below are here to stay. H Halving: The even where the block reward of a ...
Indicator Secrets
By now you would’ve realized that indicators work best when prices are trending. The Donchian Channels indicator was created by the father of trend following ...
“I wished that I’d stayed on riding the trend, selling my positions only later.” This is a common sigh from traders. As price moves up ...
With the S&P 500 (US stock market) at an all-time high, is it a good time to buy? Are there signs of a reversal? The ...
For New Traders
Trading is glamorous! You see photos of traders in fancy watches, cars, and even taking exotic vacations. Except, there’s a lot of work that’s behind ...
Instead of spending hours on reading reports and interpreting numbers, you’d rather look at charts where most (if not, all) known information has been priced ...
I started out a decade back, wandering around for information on trading. I was totally clueless. With so much information on the Internet and not ...
Mighty Candlestick Patterns
There are so many ways of plotting the prices of equities today. Naming a few – line, point and figure, area, and candlesticks. Which chart ...
You are excited when the stock market goes up. You go on a buying spree. When the market drops, you get worried. As the market ...
Have you seen a happy dog? How do you know that it’s happy? The signs of a happy dog include the wagging of its tail ...
Powerful Chart Patterns
Not all types of gaps are made equal. Some will help make you a fortune, while others will set you back on your goals and ...
You bought a stock when it was trending up. But you lost money. You scratch your head and think to yourself “Isn’t trend following about ...
Have you ever found or received something rare? A typewriter or an old dollar note? What were your emotions? Delighted, honored, lucky, treasured? Those emotions ...
Trading Psychology
Is it possible to improve and gain more experience in a shorter period of time? How do you know what requires fine tuning? Keep a ...
Nobody wants to remain in the same financial situation. Not even the rich. The rich continue to look for opportunities to learn, grow, invest and ...
Ding, ding, ding! The stock market opens. You monitor the stocks that you are interested to buy. You see green candles appearing everywhere. Boy, you’re ...
Risk Management
Most of us trade to make money. You may be searching for the holy grail, a system which has a high win rate coupled with ...
Before you are able to determine if a stop loss is truly necessary, you need to know what a stop loss is. There are a ...
2018: Not A Great Year For Options Writing Nov 2018 have been choppy and devastating for many traders who were caught out on the wrong ...
Trading Terms You Must Know
Venturing into any new topic scares the daylights out of me. This is partly due to jargons. You need not be afraid as I will ...
Here’s the second part of the glossary. You will find the definitions of the trading terms which start with A-C here. D Day trading: The ...
The journey to learning a new topic is always the most difficult at the beginning. We aim to make it a lot easier for you ...
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