(Accurate as of May 2021) The US stock market has been soaring since April 2020 with healthy pullbacks along the way. You spot many golden opportunities to swing trade. You are excited. Hold on! Before you get carried away, it is crucial to have a good broker – one which suits your trading frequency and
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Me: “Boss, 2 portions of chicken and 1 portion of vegetable please.” Boss: “Ok, that’s SGD6.” I was at a government operated hawker center 3 weeks back. When I heard of the price, my eyes opened wide. I couldn’t believe that my dinner cost SGD6 ($4.50) when it had cost me just SGD4.50 ($3.40) a
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You have learnt the need for indicators and the uses of a moving average (MA) in Part 1. With the introduction of the purposes of a moving average, allow me to show you how the 3 types of moving averages differ visually before diving into the application and strategies. That’s a chart with the 3
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