“I wished that I’d stayed on riding the trend, selling my positions only later.” This is a common sigh from traders. As price moves up and down, it can be tempting to sell your positions prematurely. The problem – how do you know if it isn’t the right time to sell? This indicator does that.
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In the previous article, I shared about the reasons I use candlesticks chart for my analysis and trading. Since the devil is in the details, I will zoom in and bring you through the 2 most powerful and reliable candlestick patterns and strategies. It is crucial to understand the concept of support and resistance before
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“Boss, I’ve just transferred $200. Please check. Thanks!” 3 minutes later, I received a call. It was the boss whom I had just sent money through internet banking. There had been an issue with my bank transfer. I had keyed in a wrong amount, sending $2,000 instead of $200. Thank goodness, he was honest. Even
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